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Monday, April 13, 2015

Delivery in Preaching


The Preacher’s Preparation:

  1. Be a witness in everything.
  2. Have a love for the work of God and for souls
  3. Learn to speak as eloquently and correctly as possible, not using vulgar phrases and expressions.
  4. Use a dictionary constantly, learn some grammar.
  5. Study daily and prepare yourself in the Word.
  6. Study books, chapters, passages and people.
  7. Apply your message to your own personal life first.
  8. Learn by heart those verses, which will help you in your message.
  9. Learn by heart the books of the Bible.

Expressions and Actions

1. General observations:

  • Keep your own personality.
  • Resist the temptation to become an actor.
  • Digest and imbibe borrowed thoughts before preaching them.
  • Have something to say and be confident that it's worth saying
  • Eat moderately before preaching.
  • Get into the habit of correcting your own faults.

2. The Voice:

  • The voice is the orator's instrument and you should know:
  • The minimum and maximum range of your voice.
  • The volume.
  • The melody, sweetness and flexibility.

3. Improve your voice:

  • Sing notes.
  • Read out loud.
  • Get into the habit of pronouncing with care.
  • Do vocal exercises.

4. Using your voice to speak in public:

  • Don't begin in a very loud or very low voice.
  • Do not allow your voice to decline in the final words of a sentence.
  • Be aware of when you pause for breath, and learn to breathe using all the strength of your lungs.
  • Frequently fix your eyes on the hearers who are furthest away,  to ensure that they can all hear you.
  • A monotonous tone destroys eloquence, as does too much shouting.

5. Do not read too many Bible passages, keep a balance:

  • Reading the Bible in public.
  • The selected passage should relate directly to the message.
  • Announce the passage clearly two or three times .
  • The reading may include responses.
  • Ensure that you have read the passage previously so that you can read it with power and clarity.
  • Learn to read well, slowly and clearly, emphasising the important words and phrases

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